“It’s Never Too Late & You’re
Never Too Old To Make A Change
In Your Life Or Start Something New”

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Invest in your first impression

We all have a tendency to put others first. But in doing so, we often neglect our own appearance or think it doesn’t really matter. Let me be your advocate and show you simple ways to incorporate style and self confidence back into your life.


Improve your relationships

Having the knowledge & confidence in your own unique personal style increases your self-worth. It also allows you to be your best self, alone and with others, to cultivate deep and lasting relationships and friendships.

“John saved me so much money on clothes and shoes I would’ve bought and never worn. That made it all worth it”



What is Doing Day?

You know that thing you’ve been wanting to do for so long, but you just haven’t got around to doing it? What about that project you’ve been wanting to start? What about your self-improvement goals that will help spice up your relationships?
Today is the day! It’s DOING DAY!
It’s the day you finally start that thing you’ve been putting off and make progress toward your goals!

Try a 15-min session and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no pressure.